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“What pride for Orne to once again host the Grand Complet, a prestigious event, family show and talent pool.
From August 12 to 15, 2021, the world’s best riders meet at the Haras National du Pin, “our Versailles of the Horse”. A huge thank you to the organizing teams. A huge congratulations to our champions. They create enchantment and bring the Orne to light”.

Christophe de Balorre

Président du Conseil départemental de l’Orne

Christophe de Balorre (photo : C.Aubert-CD61).

In this particular year, the Normandy Region is pleased to support the new edition of the Grand Complet du Haras du Pin, an event at the heart of Normandy’s DNA that vibrates all year round to the rhythm of the horse.

World-renowned as a major crossroads in 20th century history, Normandy has also been a region dedicated to horses for centuries. The cradle of 6 breeds, with 117,000 equines identified, Normandy is the first French breeding region giving birth to champions in equestrian sports and racing. There are no less than 18,000 jobs in all occupations in the sector.

For all these reasons, the Normandy Region is implementing an ambitious regional policy in favour of the equine industry, in order to confirm at the global level the place of Normandy as the land of excellence of the horse. To give us the means of our ambitions, 7 million euros are mobilized each year. One of the priorities is to create a world-renowned equine campus by 2023 at the Goustranville site, the Normandy Equine Vallée, which will include the Equine University Veterinary Hospital (ChuvÉquin) of the National Veterinary School of Alfort (EnvA).

At a time of health crisis, which is having an extremely strong impact on the economy of the entire equine industry, the Normandy Region wanted to react by adapting its aid system to organize an event So it supports organizers of cancelled events for which expenses had been incurred. It has also exceptionally adapted the eligibility criteria for those of the second half of 2020, in order to participate in the sporting and economic recovery of the equine sector.

In conclusion, I would naturally like to thank the organizers warmly. Organizing an event requires extraordinary work, even more so in this special time.

I wish you all great emotions and great sporting moments!

President of the Normandy Region

Foreword by the President of the FEI


On behalf of the Fédération Equestre Internationale, it is my utmost pleasure to welcome you to the Haras du Pin, undeniable gem of Norman heritage. Over the next few days, we come together to experience action-packed sport following what has been a very challenging past few months. Haras du Pin will be representing the first of four events currently on the calendar to host the FEI Eventing Nations Cup™ series 2020.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our day to day lives and put the world, along with our sport, largely on hold. However, slowly but surely, we are finding solutions and adapting to this new situation in order to resume competitions as best as possible. It is thanks to the collective efforts of organising committees such as USTICA, as well as all the experts that have contributed to the FEI Calendar Task Forces and our Return to Play resources, and tools such as the FEI Policy for Enhanced Competition Safety during the Covid-19 pandemic, that our athletes are able to compete safely and in the name of national pride.

As the excitement of the next four days unfolds, we will witness some of the world’s finest horses and athletes put their skills to show, and once again be reminded of what makes Eventing one of the most remarkable of sports. The combination of Dressage, Cross Country and Jumping is hugely demanding and requires not only peak physical fitness from both horse and rider, but also a great mutual understanding and trust.

Team work is inherent to the equestrian landscape at all levels and every athlete you will see here has been selected to represent their nation, effectively representing countless individuals and organisations that have not only supported them and their horse, but also paved the way to compete on the global stage. The FEI Eventing Nations Cup™ is a celebration of horsemanship, expertise, determination and passion. More than ever, this event is a celebration of our resilience as a community, and commitment to our sport.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Organisers, volunteers, officials and sponsors for their continuous efforts to keep our sport moving forward and making the best out of difficult times. To all the nations represented here, the athletes, their families and support systems, I wish you a fantastic event and the best of luck! Finally, to the fans, I hope you will enjoy this event brought to you by such a dynamic team and wish you a memorable and enjoyable time, conducted in a safe environment, in the spirit of great horsemanship.

Ingmar De Vos
FEI President